We are not necessarily aware of it, but it happens to everyone clench the jaws. If for a majority of us, the reflex remains temporary or punctual, nothing to worry about. On the other hand, if these episodes, which are designated by bruxism, are repeated, they must be taken seriously. They can indeed cause many health problems, sometimes unsuspected, because the link of cause and effect is not easy to establish.
It exists two scenarios where the teeth come into contact. Swallowing, and chewing. The rest of the time, they are separated by a space. However, for 8 to 14% of the French population, the jaws remain permanently clenched.
We can suffer from daytime bruxism or nocturnal, with or without teeth grinding. And constantly clenching your teeth leads to nervous overstrain. Indeed, prolonged contact causes many messages sent to the brain, which spreads throughout the body.
Among the causes analyzed, stress and anxiety come in first place. Especially if they are chronic. Another origin, bad jaw position or teeth. It can result from a shock or an injury to the jaw, the absence of teeth not filled by a device or implants, or sometimes from a typical surgical intervention. removal of wisdom teeth.
Other causes have sometimes been mentioned: mercury amalgam fillings for example, intestinal parasites, certain medications such as anti-depressants. It is therefore essential to determine the cause with a specialist before considering solutions.
Whether it is an osteopath, a posturologist, or your doctor, it is essential to talk to a health professional. Bruxism can cause a lot of pain. Which ones? Picture answers.
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