To find out more about the events taking place today, visit theAssociation Autism France.
The objective of this day: to inform the general public about the current situation of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in different areas (screening, diagnosis, care, schooling, access to employment, etc.).
Autism: associations call for concrete solutions
And in France, the situation is not glorious… Our country is indeed lagging behind in understanding and management of this disordere. Only one in five children would receive the help they need, according to the associations.
The latter call for solutions to be put in place to reintegrate people with autism into society and unveiled a manifesto of ten proposals concerning, among other things, schooling, funding for research or the training of carers, disease management…
Actions exist and have been used in other countries for a long time. These solutions are even recommended by the High Authority of Health (HAS) since 2012.
Autism, a poorly understood disorder in France
In France, autism has long been considered a mental disorder. The sick were locked up in psychiatric hospitals and force-fed drugs. The pathology has been recognized for only twenty years as a disability for which specific care must be put in place.
And yet, received ideas continue to circulate since in 2012, a OpinionWay survey showed that more than one French person out of 3 considers that an autistic individual is a person suffering from psychological disorders.
THE Government and theSOS Autism Association launched, each on their own, a video to raise awareness about ASD.
Remember that autism affects 650,000 people in France, including 250,000 children. According to the High Authority for Health, one in 150 newborns is affected by autism.
Read also :
– Premature death in people with autism