The medical unions wanted to make a show of force, the director of health insurance (CNAMTS) has just brought them back to reality. In an interview given to Doctor’s Daily, Nicolas Revel reveals that 600 doctors have unilaterally increased the amount of their consultation from 23 to 25 euros. “Less than 0.4% of GP care sheets”, supports the director of the CNAMTS.
During the discussion of the health bill, some trade unions had invited their members to increase the price of the consultation by 2 euros to protest against the lack of revaluation of this act since 2011. While most GPs share this observation , few have, it seems, crossed the yellow line.
Because this gesture penalizes the insured and puts doctors out of the law. And Nicolas Revel drives the point home by indicating to the medical daily to have “asked the primary funds” to send a letter to recalcitrant doctors “to remind them of their contractual obligations”.
If this warning is not followed, the boss of Health Insurance wants to be even more threatening: “At the end of this stage, if there were to be new quotations at 25 euros, we would have to apply the sanctions provided for by the texts”.
The latter does not close the door to a discussion on tariffs, but gives doctors an appointment next October after their professional elections.