Why are we always told that breakfast is an essential meal?
“This is a” norm “established at a time when it was believed that certain categories of the population (especially children) did not consume enough nutrients”, explains Nicolas Aubineau, sports dietician-nutritionist. So we tried to standardize a meal… which cannot be, because it depends on intake during the rest of the day. According to health authorities, it should represent 25% of calorie intake for the day, or 500 Cal for an adult consuming 2,000 Cal. But, in practice, it’s not always so simple… “The two main meals provide the overall caloric and nutritional intake, specifies our expert. Breakfast is then complementary. But if you skip lunch, it becomes essential! “Same thing for the” little eaters “, the sick …
Here are 7 breakfasts adapted to your profile, whether you are not hungry in the morning, whether you are on a diet or eat gluten-free!
I’m not hungry in the morning
It is at night that the body rebuilds itself. When he wakes up, he needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates, this is not the time to fast.
We rather put on a homemade smoothie, because the “liquid” passes better than the “solid” in the morning. We mix oat flakes, yogurt, Kiwiand a little agave syrup; or chia seeds, almonds and plant milk. And we take a Thermos, to drink in the morning.
You can also prepare a “box”, for example a wholemeal bread-butter-ham sandwich or a jar of yoghurt with muesli.
I am overweight
For a slimming breakfast, we force on proteins: they are super appetite suppressants and require more calories to be digested than carbohydrates. “We also add a little fat (butter, egg yolk, dark chocolate), which helps lengthen gastric emptying time and reduce cravings for snacking in the morning,” explains Nicolas Aubineau.
I exercise in the morning
While some can go for their sports/running session on an empty stomach, others, on the contrary, will not be able to last 10 minutes without fainting: it all depends on each person’s metabolism and there again, no secret, you have to s ‘to listen ! And to find out, you have to try.
Because indeed, in the morning when we wake up, we have a sufficient level of sugar in the blood. It is therefore possible to leave on an empty stomach for a light activity of 15 to 20 minutes without risk of discomfort.
But if you need to eat something when you wake up, your pre-workout breakfast should be both energetic and light. If you don’t have time to eat at least one hour before your session (and ideally two), it is better to split breakfast to avoid digestive discomfort during exercise.
What breakfast before sport?
- Before the session : water at room temperature + a kiwi + a small handful of dried fruit.
- After : bicarbonated water + cottage cheese with 3 tbsp. at s. homemade granola + 1/2 banana and some dried cranberries (for antioxidants).
I am on a weight loss diet
Breakfast should be satisfying without being too high in calories or inducing insulin spikes that promote fat storage. We therefore avoid pastries, often very sweet cereals and baguette/jam, and we focus on carbohydrates with a low glycemic index and on fibers for satiety. “Introducing an animal protein at breakfast also has an appetite suppressant effect,” adds Dr. Laurence Benedetti.
What breakfast when you’re on a diet?
A simplified version of Budwig Cream, hypervitaminated: mix 1 Greek yoghurt + 100 g of red fruits + 2 tbsp. at s. oat bran. Pour into a bowl and place on top a dozen red fruits and 1 small handful of crushed almonds.
I’m in detox
“We must avoid acidifying and processed products, choose foods that will put the intestines to rest and provide minerals to prevent demineralization, which is common in detox”, summarizes the naturopath. Fruits, and even more vegetables, to combine in a juice with 1/3 fruit and 2/3 vegetables, play these different roles brilliantly.
What breakfast when you are in detox?
A green smoothie : in a blender, mix 1 banana + 1 apple + the juice of 1 lemon + 1 small handful of spinach shoots + 1/2 cucumber + 20 cl of almond milk.
Optionally add 1 tbsp. at s. of spirulina for a bonus intake of minerals and chlorophyll.
Read also
All our detox recipes
I want to have fun
Have fun yes, but healthily. As we have a little time to cook, we prefer homemade, which we can share with the family.
What breakfast to treat yourself?
Crufiture pancakes*:
- Crush 250 g of red fruits (fresh or thawed) with a fork. Add 2 tbsp. at s. chia seeds + 1 to 2 tbsp. at s. of maple syrup.
- Mix with a fork and let stand for ten minutes.
- Stir again, then let stand 20 more minutes for the chia seeds to swell.
This crufiture can be kept for 2-3 days in the fridge and can be made with any juicy fruit: pineapple, plums, apricots, peaches…
* Recipe taken from the book “Healthy breakfasts for tonic mornings”, which also brings together 45 organic, vegetarian and dairy-free animal recipes. Marie-France Farré and Florence Akouka, Living Earth editions, 2018, €12.
I have a helm at 11 o’clock
Skip foods with a high glycemic index. “With sweet cereals, a pastry, white bread, we will certainly have energy at the moment, but beware of the boomerang effect with the 11 o’clock rush! “Warns Dr. Benedetti. Another reflex to adopt: “Introduce an animal protein to promote the secretion of dopamine, the starter of the day. »
What breakfast against the helm at 11am?
1 apricot + 2 slices of spelled bread + fresh goat cheese + a drizzle of olive oil.
A homemade granola recipe
- Mix 200g of cereal flakes (oats, quinoa, wheat, etc.) + 100g of coarsely chopped oilseeds + 1 tbsp. c. cinnamon + 1 tbsp. c. of vanilla extract + 1 pinch of salt. Heat 6 tbsp. at s. liquid honey + 2 tbsp. at s. coconut oil + 4 tbsp. at s. of water.
- Add to dry mixture, stir well.
- Spread on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
- Cook for 25 min at 150°C (th. 5), stirring regularly and watching.
- Remove from the oven, let rest for 1 hour. Store in an airtight container.