Having good habits allows you to live healthier and have a better lifestyle. It’s obvious, even a tautology do you think… It’s true. But a study has just shown that habits, good or bad, persist even in times of intense stress. It is therefore better to have good habits at the base to keep them even when things are not going well.
Studies conducted by the University of California and whose results have just been published by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology show that while most disease prevention efforts focus on self-control, the best way to prevent disease might be able to know how to adopt good habits. This study shows that stress does not always lead to excessive reactions, such as eating disorders or alcohol abuse, but can also promote the return to healthy habits when one has had them in the past.
For example, the researchers observed students during exams: those who usually practiced sports continued to do more sports even if they lacked the time, those who were used to eating a balanced diet continued to have a better diet… Conversely, those accustomed to junk food ate even less balanced. Morality: it is better to adopt a healthy lifestyle when things are going well to keep the benefits even in the most stressful periods.