While it’s normal to be doubtful as parents, certain behaviors can help build more self-confidence.
Whether you are young or more seasoned parents, it is normal to compare yourself to others, to be afraid of judgment or to feel guilty at times. However, rather than devaluing yourself on your own skills, and losing self-confidence, it is better to release the pressure and learn to do better next time.
The perfect parent does not exist
Rather than trying to reach a perfection that is not there, it is better to focus on the well-being of your child by meeting his needs. If it is important to ensure his food, his clothing or his sleep, he also needs affection, security, and an educational framework.
No need to compare yourself too much to others or want to follow a method to the letter, also trust your intuition and your child to develop your parenting skills. In this way, you allow yourself the right to make mistakes by taking a step back from your expectations and giving yourself the opportunity to try again differently next time.
Stop comparisons, try inspiration!
Rather than comparing yourself to others and losing all self-confidence, it is better to be inspired to discover other ways of dealing with your child. Then trust yourself to sort it out, trying what might work based on your priorities. By possibly consulting reliable sources, such as professionals, you increase your knowledge and can learn about yourself and your child.
However, don’t forget that the main thing is to let go. No child needs a perfect parent, you are the greatest expert and it is up to you to decide about them.
Find out more: “There is no perfect parent” by Isabelle Filliozat, Marabout editions.