May 26, 2005 – The results of a clinical trial conducted by researchers at Harvard School of Medicine1 indicate that the practice of Tai Ji Quan can improve the quality of life and functional capacity of patients with heart failure.
The researchers measured the effects of a 12-week Tai Ji Quan program on the subjects’ quality of life, resistance to exercise and respiratory capacity. Compared to those in the control group, the patients who practiced Tai Ji Quan performed better on a test assessing their quality of life, and they walked a longer distance during a walking test.
The researchers also observed a significant drop in the level of type B natriuretic peptides, a marker of the risk of sudden death in patients with heart failure.
This is the first randomized clinical trial whose results demonstrate the usefulness of Tai Ji Quan as a therapeutic intervention in heart failure.
In addition, a meta-analysis published in 20042 reported 441 reports of studies highlighting the beneficial effects of Tai Ji Quan on the cardiorespiratory system. Among them, three cross-sectional studies gave significant results regarding the increase in the capacity for maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max).
On the other hand, the results of a trial conducted in 2003 with 40 elderly people (20 who practiced Tai Ji Quan and 20 controls) indicated that the practice of this approach stimulated the activity of the vagus nerve (or pneumogastric nerve). ), which promotes a healthy heart3. Finally, the results of pilot trials carried out in 2000 on a small number of subjects suffering from heart failure indicated that the practice of Tai Ji Quan could constitute a complementary, non-invasive and inexpensive therapeutic intervention for the treatment of this condition.4.
Pierre Lefrançois – PasseportSanté.net
1. Yeh GY, Wood MJ, Lorell BH, et al. Effects of tai chi mind-body movement therapy on functional status and exercise capacity in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized controlled trial.Am J Med. 2004 Oct 15; 117 (8): 541-8.
2. Taylor-Piliae RE, Froelicher ES. Effectiveness of Tai Chi exercise in improving aerobic capacity: a meta-analysis.J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2004 Jan-Feb; 19 (1): 48-57.
3. Lu WA, Kuo CD. The effect of Tai Chi Chuan on the autonomic nervous modulation in older persons.Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2003 Dec; 35 (12): 1972-6.
4. Fontana JA, Colella C, et al. T’ai Chi Chih as an intervention for heart failure.Nurs Clin North Am. 2000 Dec; 35 (4): 1031-46.