This Tuesday, June 2, the National Assembly voted at first reading a bill aimed at facilitating the momentum of solidarity in favor of caregivers. Thus it provides that voluntary employees can offer leave in the form of holiday vouchers. This text must still be examined by the Senate and raises controversy.
How to continue the momentum of solidarity that prevailed towards caregivers during confinement? To answer this question in part, a hundred LREM deputies submitted a text to the vote proposing “that we can allow employees who so wish and who can, in the public as in the private sector, to donate part of their paid leave“explains the LREM rapporteur Christophe Blanchet in the hemicycle. This donation”monetizes days off for employees in the form of holiday vouchers for caregivers” he continued.
This proposal, well received by the government, receives the support of the Minister of Labor, Muriel Pénicaud: “this act of generosity will at the same time contribute to the revival of the very badly affected tourism sector.“However, MPs and members of the executive insist that this measure does not replace the ongoing negotiations for the reform of the hospital and in particular salary increases.
No consensus
Despite the good intentions of this text, the opposition rejects this approach for various reasons. On the right, the elected LR Maxime Minot, denounces a “unacceptable plagiarism“. He emphasizes having tabled a bill on March 22 to the effect that the deputies of the majority “refused to co-sign”. “You believe that because you are going to offer holiday vouchers, you are going to make people forget“the management of the crisis, launched the sovereignist Nicolas Dupont Aignan.
Faced with the structural difficulties of the hospital, the communist Pierre Dharréville castigated the “nerve“of this LREM bill”a bit obscene“. A “discomfort” shared by the spokesman of the PS, Boris Vallaud. Even if on April 28, PS deputies tabled a bill to expand the system of holiday vouchers “for personnel who have ensured the continuity of the Nation’s vital services”the deputy of the Landes judges this bill “unfinished” and “off topic“. According to Caroline Fiat (LFI), this is “not to the citizens to thank the personnel, but to the State“. She instead offered the French to “ask a day of RTT” for “manifest“June 16, a day of mobilization for unions and hospital groups.