The numbers are chilling: since July 2019, 10 children have been diagnosed with cancer. These 10 children (aged 6 months to 13 years) live in 5 towns in the Jura department: Les Rousses, Morbier, Morez, Saint-Pierre and Prémanon.
Can we speak of an epidemic? Faced with these 10 cancers (diagnosed in a few months in an area barely larger than Paris, in the heart of the Haut-Jura Natural Park), the parents sounded the alarm.
The Regional Health Agency (ARS) Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and Public Health France then decided to launch a ” epidemiological expertise of this report and search for possible explanatory factors ” – the study should last several months. In a press releasethe health authorities already specify that “ the risk factors linked to cancers can be multiple and the majority of pediatric cancers today have no known cause “…
“We fall from the clouds: we ask ourselves the question of what can explain these statistics”
On the side of the affected villages, it is misunderstanding: ” we fall from the clouds. We wonder what can explain these statistics. We think of water, buildings, radon, but we are not in an area particularly concerned, pesticides, but here there are quite a few organic farmers… The children concerned are young and some do not don’t even go to school “declared Nolwenn Marchand, the mayor of Prémanon, questioned by our colleagues from France 3 Burgundy-Franche-Comte.
This (sad) story is reminiscent of another “epidemic” of pediatric cancers in the Loire-Atlantique department: 19 cases have been recorded since 2015 and 4 children have died around the town of Sainte-Pazanne (in southwest of Nantes).
From ” organic pollutants (pesticides, endocrine disruptors) and metals “Would have been found in the hair of around twenty sick or healthy children, according to the association Stop aux cancers de nos enfants (SCE).
Read also :
Parliament adopts a law for better management of childhood cancers
Childhood cancers: a multitude of rare diseases
After two cancers, she becomes a nurse in the hospital that saved her life