The “zero-waste” trend is booming on social networks. A movement that is both ecological and economical, it consists of living by throwing away as little as possible – clothes, furniture, cosmetics, packaging…
It is in the kitchen that “zero-waste” is the easiest to implement. Followers of this trend cook fruits, vegetables, meats and fish 100%. A real fight against waste, at a time when 41,200 kilos of food are thrown away every second in the world, 30% of which by consumers.
Our food waste, a source of vitamins and minerals
All you need is a little creativity to transform vegetable peelings into crisps, leftover fruit into syrup or compote, a chicken carcass into broth or even prawn trimmings into a tasty sauce!
It’s good to know. “Zero-waste” in the kitchen is also excellent for your health. Because these “waste” that we put in the trash are (in reality) stuffed with nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants. An example ? There is more vitamin C in the skin of an apple than in the same amount of flesh. Eggplant skin contains antioxidants (anthocyanins) that protect blood vessels, while beet tops are rich in iron and phosphorus.
Attention : not all “food waste” is edible. Thus, it is preferable to leave in the trash the skins of avocados, the skins of exotic fruits (mango, persimmon…), pits and pips (of apples, apricots, peaches…) as well as rhubarb leaves, which are poisonous. In addition, we try zero-waste with organic, locally grown and seasonal products to derive maximum health benefits.
To read : Zero waste cooking – gourmet recipes without waste, Papeat editions.

Read also :
- Anti-waste tips: store vegetables well
- Americans throw away 150,000 tons of food a day
- What are some tips for keeping bananas fresh longer?