Why slim people are slim
You have people who never die and yet always remain slim. How do they do that? What are their secrets? Five good habits of slim people.
1. Slim people eat slowly
People who eat fast are more likely to be overweight. It takes about 20 minutes before your brain realizes that you are eating and gives off the signal ‘full’. If you finish your meal within that time, you often scoop it up again. Therefore, eat slowly. Put your knife and fork down after each bite and chew well. Also better for digestion.
2. Slim people get enough sleep
People who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to be overweight. A lack of sleep leads to a disturbed metabolism and an imbalance between the hormones grelin and leptin. Greline makes you feel like eating and leptin tells your body when you have eaten enough. Because of sleep deprivation you get more grelin and less leptin and therefore your appetite increases, while your digestion does not work optimally.
3. Slim people move more
Research shows that lean people also instinctively exercise more than overweight people. For example, they more often take the stairs at work and take the bicycle to do their shopping. So they simply consume more calories than they eat. Sit less, move more!
4. Slim People Drink Fewer Calories
Watch not only what you eat, but also what you drink. Replace carbonated soft drinks with water. Also be careful with fruit juices and smoothies. These can contain a lot of calories.
5. Slim People Don’t Diet
The last, but perhaps the most important secret: slim people don’t diet. They constantly have the same diet without yo-yoing. Adjust your lifestyle, don’t die, but develop a lean diet. Thinking differently leads to a different way of eating. This produces a lasting effect. Do not set the bar too high, but ensure a lifestyle that is feasible for you.
Liesbeth van Rossum is an internist and endocrinologist and Mariette Boon is an internist in training and researcher into brown fat. Together they wrote the bestseller ‘Fat important‘. This duo knows all about body fat and how you can influence it. Do you want to lose weight? Listen to the podcast below before you start a diet, because then you can avoid common mistakes.