According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the burn outor burnout syndrome, is characterized by a feeling of intense fatigue, loss of control and inability to achieve concrete professional results.
Long ignored, the issue of psychological suffering at work has become a public health problem. Indeed, this deep malaise is constantly increasing and today affects nearly 480,000 employees in France (National Institute for Health Monitoring (InVS) study 2015). The frequency of associated disorders would increase with age.
The main symptoms of burnout
How to recognize a burnout? Precursory signs should alert: signs of physical exhaustion (loss of energy, stomach aches, migraines, palpitations, tightness of the throat, muscle cramps…) and psychic (impatience, worry, irritation, loss of self-esteem …).
Read also : Burn out: signs not to be overlooked
Burnout, soon an occupational disease?
Burnout could soon be recognized as an occupational disease. But for the moment, this recognition looks like an obstacle course for the employee. Indeed, if a measure of the law on social dialogue (known as the “Rebsamen law”) opens the way to better recognition of thework-related exhaustionits article 27 stipulates that “psychic pathologies” can be recognized as such, without specifying the conditions concerned.
An employee may, however, apply for recognition of his burnout syndrome as part of an additional procedure with the regional committee for the recognition of occupational diseases (CRRMP). But he will have to be diagnosed with burnout by a doctor, justify an incapacity for work equal to or greater than 25% and prove a direct causal link with his activity….
The 12th European Depression Days
Do you want to know more? In order to inform the general public about work-related depression, free events, open to all and led by experts, are being organized today in Paris and in 11 cities in France: Auxerre, Bordeaux, Dijon, Grenoble, Lorient, Nancy, Poitiers, Rouen, Quimperlé, Strasbourg and Toulouse.
Read also :
– Burn out: what if you go for a cure before you break down?
– Burn-out: what are the jobs most at risk?