Last February, the Minister of Health announced various measures aimed at preventing the progression of obesity.
These measures included school and extracurricular physical activities, measures concerning school meals, and better training of staff in contact with young people. The promotion of better nutritional quality of food is also one of these proposals.
Roselyne Bachelot also spoke out in favor of regulating television advertising for fatty, sweet or salty products during children’s prime time. Agri-food professionals have since undertaken to “reserve advertisements only for products whose nutritional value has been demonstrated”.
However, since then, a charter of the Directorate of Media Development within the Ministry of Culture would have blocked the project, according to the press release. In solidarity with 23 learned societies and 1,500 doctors, nutritionists, pediatricians and scientists, they ask “that the government recognize the seriousness of the obesity epidemic in France, that the preeminence of the Ministry of Health on this issue be confirmed at ministerial level. “, and” that professionals in the food industry and advertising agencies present their proposals to the Ministry of Health, to the exclusion of any other body “.