Why Doctor is at the AFU congress, the French Association of Urology. The opportunity to take stock of the prostate, urinary disorders, or kidney and bladder cancers. But also on certain aspects of sexuality that urologists take care of. Today commentary on the protective role of ejaculation
Dr Jean-François Lemoine: Prostate and ejaculation, serious or not serious?
Prof. François Desgrandchamps: It is very serious. It has long been known that the more frequently you ejaculate, the lower the risk of prostate cancer. Several large converging studies show that it is beyond twenty ejaculations per month. These are called large ejaculators. So, indeed, as a couple, it’s a bit tiring to have twenty sexual intercourse per month, which implies masturbation. What is interesting is that behind this statistic there are real biological mechanisms, that is to say that in the sperm there are substances which are called putrescines, which are called la spermine and spermidine, which are oncogenic substances. This means that if we add these substances to normal cell cultures, they turn into tumor cells. So we understand very well the underlying mechanism: if these substances are in contact for too long with the prostate cells, they can transform them, and therefore we must evacuate all these “junk”, it is the theory of emunctories, that is. that is, the body eliminates all the bad things, through the stool, through the urine, through the sputum, but also through the semen.
JFL: You give a number, a number of ejaculations per month. Does this translate into positive elements that can also be quantified?
FD: If we ejaculate more than twenty times a month, regardless of the age group, it is the ten years before the survey. Regardless of the age group, this halves the risk of prostate cancer.
JFL: But do you have to start early? Is the risk of prostate cancer still a problem for the elderly? Do we have a notion of saying: “you have to do this your whole life”?
FD: All the studies have shown that over the past ten years it was beneficial, so if I may say so, it’s never too late to do it right.