We felt that a reform of the vaccination schedule of the child was in the air. The Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, has just confirmed the news. From 2018, children under the age of two will have to be vaccinated against 11 diseases.
“This decision responds to a public health need. France has coverage rates vaccine better than other countries for mandatory vaccines, but they are in very insufficient revenge for most recommended vaccines“ stressed the minister.
Citing as an example measlesa disease on the rise, the Minister recalled that “the vaccination coverage at 2 years is 78% whereas, until it reaches the level of 95%, the risk of periodic epidemic waves will persist. Between 2008 and 2016, more than 24,000 cases of measles were declared in France. Nearly 1,500 cases presented with severe pneumopathy, 34 with neurological complications and 10 died.”.
8 additional vaccines
The Minister is therefore going to propose to Parliament to make 8 vaccines which were previously only “recommended”, in addition to the 3 currently compulsory vaccines (diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis).
The future vaccination obligation concerns vaccines against haemophilius influenzae B (bacterium causing in particular pneumopathies and meningitis), whooping coughhepatitis B, measlesmumps, rubella, meningococcus C (a bacteria causing meningitis) and pneumococcus (a bacterium causing in particular pneumopathies and meningitis).
Read also :
The return of “disappeared” diseases
In Australia, no child benefits without vaccines