French students and high school students are (very) stressed: here is the conclusion of the major 2018 health survey carried out by OpinionWay for SMEREP.
Fear of failure, malaise, anxiety about the future, depression… More than 9 out of 10 students say they are stressed “at least once a year” and for 1 out of 4 students, stress is even permanently! High school students are also affected by the problem since, according to SMEREP, 86% of them admit to going through “stressful periods” during the year.
Unsurprisingly, the number one problem is the exams that stress 94% of students who responded to the survey. Then come the studies themselves (which constitute a source of stress for 82% of respondents) and, finally, the question of orientation (which stresses 71% of respondents).
60% of students have already felt “overwhelmed” or even “overwhelmed” by everyday life – among high school students, this proportion rises to 44%. Worrying results… especially when we know that 22% of students in France (and especially young women) have already had suicidal thoughts.
Sports and outings with friends against stress
To fight against stress, students have a solution: sport. They are thus 64% to practice a sports activity at least once a week, and 38% of them affirm to practice it to specifically fight against stress. Another anti-stress technique: outings with friends, favored by 21% of students.
However, other more questionable anti-stress tips are also used on campus: smoking (cited by 13% of students and 7% of high school students), alcohol (9%), non-prescription drugs (6% ), cannabis (3%) or even anxiolytics (3%)…
“We can wonder about the meaning that students give to the word stress. Does it have the same meaning for them as for their elders 10 years ago? Is there today a form of urgency in our society, of over-solicitation, which leads to making this feeling more present in their lives? asks Hadrien Le Roux, President of SMEREP. To be continued !
Source: SMEREP press release
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