The young man who died of a fulminant and fatal form of meningitis in the Dijon region was victim of a W strain, a very dangerous strain of meningococcus. At the end of 2016, 3 cases of meningococcal W meningitis had triggered a massive vaccination campaign.
L’Regional Health Agency (ARS) Bourgogne-Franche-Comté confirmed that the death of the 23-year-old young man, affected by a fulminant form of meningitis in December, is indeed linked to a very aggressive strain of meningococcus (strain W).
A comparison of the strain with that in question during the 2016 epidemic on the campus of the University of Dijon will be carried out by the National Reference Center (CNR).
One year after a vaccination campaign
This young man was not a student, but his meningococcal infection occurred one year after 3 cases of meningococcal meningitis (serotype W), including 2 fatalities, in Dijon students.
As the 3 students did not know each other, the possibility of contamination from a healthy carrier had been raised, which had triggered a massive vaccination campaign on the Dijon university campus (14,000 students). The vaccine, used in a single dose, protects against four strains of meningococcus (serotypes A, C, Y and W).
Meningococcal meningitis
In adults, meningitis most often results in a combination of signs called “meningeal syndrome” with severe headaches (“headaches”), stiff neck, high fever, intolerance to light. (“Photophobia”) and nausea or vomiting.
Somnolence, mental confusion and even disturbances of consciousness may also appear, as well as localized neurological signs (ocular paralysis) and convulsions.
A fulminating form
The form that led to death is therefore a fulminant form of acute meningococcal meningitis (or invasive meningococcal infection (IIM)). Certain meningococcal meningitis can very quickly result in signs of generalized infection (“acute meningococcemia”) with sepsis. This is the case when a very serious and rapidly evolving “fulminans purpura” appears, with hemorrhagic lesions of the skin.
If bleeding spots (bright red star spots) or bruises (or “bruises”) appear anywhere on the skin that do not go away with finger pressure, it may be purpura. must call for help in extreme urgency.
Several hundred cases in France
In 2016, 526 invasive meningococcal infections were reported in France. In 2017, 19 cases were reported in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. The majority of cases occur sporadically. Serogroup B was predominant (51.6%), followed by serogroup C (26.5%), serogroup Y (12.3%) and serogroup W (8.9%). Mortality was 12% for all cases. It is higher in France for serogroup W (24% in 2016).
Community contamination
Meningococcus is a very fragile germ that does not survive in the environment but is transmitted through saliva.
Most meningitis is contracted under normal living conditions, unrelated to hospitalization or a medical procedure.
Living in a closed community, and especially being in contact with someone with meningitis, are factors that favor the onset of the disease.