It’s been coming for a while, but now we officially know that Telegram will be selling a paid premium subscription.
After a kind of secret test, it is now official: users can start paying for Telegram. The messaging service has been struggling with ways to make money for some time and now the time has come. the CEO Pavel Durov assures users that all existing functions will remain free.
What does a Telegram Premium subscription mean?
Durov explains that Telegram Premium customers can send extra large documents, media and stickers, among other things. There are also special Premium reactions that paying customers can give to messages. But all those new features are just kind of a premium.
Free users can receive all of the above features from paying users. As a result, there is no gap between paying and non-paying users. Durov also promises that new free features will continue to be released.
Somehow, the switch to a paid system makes sense, since an ever-growing number of users want to have as many functions as possible. That costs Telegram more and more server space. And they don’t have a lender like Meta to fund everything; the company does all that itself.
The company has not yet disclosed the cost of a paid Telegram subscription. According to unofficial sources, the subscription – which will be released later this month – will be $5 per month. What also leaked is that premium users can upload files up to 4 GB and access twice as many channels. All that has not yet been confirmed.