On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, the ORS communicates the figures concerning smokers in Île-de-France, who are less numerous than elsewhere.
- In 2020, more than three out of ten adults aged 18-75 said they smoked at least occasionally (31.8%) and a quarter daily (25.5%), recently indicated Public Health France.
- This marks a halt after several years which saw the proportion of smokers drop from 34.5% to 30.4% between 2016 and 2019, and daily smokers drop from 29.4% to 24%.
In Île-de-France, there are fewer smokers than elsewhere, according to figures from the ORS (regional health observatory). 20% of women and 33% of men regularly use tobacco in this geographical area, compared to a national average of 34% of women smokers and 40% of men smokers.
Less experimentation with tobacco among young Ile-de-France residents
Experimentation and smoking among young Ile-de-France residents are also falling more in Île-de-France than in other regions. 55% of young people in Île-de-France have already wanted to quit smoking, and 45% have already attempted to quit for at least a week during the year.
In addition, 11% of Ile-de-France women and 14% of Ile-de-France residents suffer from a strong addiction to tobacco; 36% and 40% suffer from an addiction “average”. 20% of women in Île-de-France report daily smoking, like 33% of men. Finally, 39% of inactive people smoke in Île-de-France, as well as 30% of working people and 15% of students.
Tobacco causes many diseases
Tobacco smoke contains 7,000 chemical substances, including 70 carcinogens (benzene, arsenic, chromium, tar, etc.). These substances are directly responsible for the majority of tobacco-related pathologies: myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accidents, arteritis of the lower limbs, aneurysms, arterial hypertension, erectile dysfunction, COPD (or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers -duodenal, type II diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, eczema, psoriasis, lupus, ENT (nose – throat – ear) and dental infections, cataracts, AMD (age-related macular degeneration), periodontitis, infertility, impaired epidermis (wrinkles, dull complexion, yellowed fingers), gum disease, alteration of mucous membranes (of the mouth, nose, lips, tongue, taste buds, vocal organs or salivary glands), alteration of cerebral arteries (effects on memory, vision or hearing).
Whatever the mode of consumption (cigarette, rolling cigarette, cigarillo, cigar, pipe, shisha, etc.) and its frequency, tobacco presents a health risk.