Three times a week I cycle about 80 kilometers on a MTB. The problem is that while cycling I keep getting sore feet, mainly the toes of both feet. Arch supports don’t help. What can I do about it?
mr. brummans
Sepp Mortelmans, podiatrist
These pain complaints are more common in cyclists. Very often this is because the nerve in the forefoot, which runs to the toes, gets pinched by the tighter cycling shoes and by the extra pressure that comes on the forefoot with the click system of a road bike.
In the Netherlands there are a few podiatrists who specialize in cyclists and foot complaints and they will be able to help you with these specific complaints better than I can. I know that Ingrid Janssen has delved into this and can help cyclists with complaints very adequately. You can find her on the website www.toppodotherapie.nl to contact us and make an appointment.
Do you also have a question? Then ask one of our experts. Always go to your doctor with urgent questions, the experts are not the right person for that. They also do not diagnose. You can find the other conditions here.
Sepp Mortelmans is a podiatrist. He is a specialist in the field of ultrasound and foot complaints as a result of rheumatism. You can ask him questions about foot problems in general and his field in particular.