How dangerous is the tiger mosquito?
The Asian tiger mosquito is increasingly found in our country. Originally found in Southeast Asia, it is now spreading to other parts of the world, including Southern Europe and the Netherlands. How dangerous is this mosquito? And what is the chance that you will be infected with diseases such as dengue fever or the Zika virus?
How does the tiger mosquito infect humans?
A tiger mosquito can transmit serious diseases such as dengue (dengue fever), chikungunya and the Zika virus. This is only possible if the mosquito has first bit someone who has such a disease. Since these hardly occur in the Netherlands, the chance of infection is very small. Only the female mosquitoes can sting, the males do not sting people.
How do you recognize a tiger mosquito?
In contrast to the common mosquito, which mainly bites in the evening and at night, the tiger mosquito stings all day long. The tiger mosquito is slightly smaller and has black and white stripes.
Does the tiger mosquito occur in the Netherlands?
The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) monitors whether and where the tiger mosquito occurs in the Netherlands. The mosquitoes or eggs and larvae sometimes come with the import of Lucky Bamboo or second-hand tires. If tiger mosquitoes are found, they are controlled and eradicated. These measures are taken to prevent the tiger mosquito from permanently settling here. It is expected that the tiger mosquito will eventually settle here, but efforts are being made to delay this as long as possible.
Where does the tiger mosquito already live?
You can also encounter tiger mosquitoes on holiday. The tiger mosquito lives throughout Italy, on the Spanish coast and in the south of France. The habitat of the tiger mosquito moves further and further north.
What should you do if you see a tiger mosquito?
Do you think you see a tiger mosquito? Take a photo, preferably of a live mosquito, and send it to the NVWA via www.nvwa.nl/muggen. The chance is very small, by the way. There are more than 30 mosquito species in the Netherlands. Only specialists can distinguish tiger mosquitoes from the normally occurring mosquito species.