All about finger length
Finger length has often been the subject of research. A lot has already been said and written about it. Your fingers would say something about your personality and character, but also about your health. And not only that. It would also say something about the length of the penis in men and did you know that stock brokers with a longer ring finger make more profit?
The length of a person’s fingers is already determined in the womb. The more testosterone there was in the womb, the longer the ring finger is relative to the index finger.
Long index finger?
Men with long index fingers are said to have a lower risk of prostate cancer. British researchers from Warwick University and the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) concluded this in 2010 after an extensive study. It showed that young men whose index finger is longer than their ring finger are a third less likely to develop prostate cancer than men whose ring finger is longer than their index finger. In men over the age of 60, the link was even stronger: men with long index fingers were 87 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer.
motor neuron diseases
Other research suggests that finger length may predict the risk of motor neuron disease, of which ALS is the most common. Motor neuron diseases are a group of central nervous system disorders. Motor neurons control muscle function and are responsible for, among other things, exercise. Due to the disease, the function of these cells deteriorates or they die.
Fingers could therefore possibly indicate diseases, but also betray more positive points. For example, how attractive a man’s face is found. Researchers examined whether the attractiveness of the voice, body odor and facial features are related to finger length. They discovered, among other things, that men with a long index finger also have a more symmetrical face and are found more attractive by women. Body odor and voice showed no correlation with finger length.
penis length
South Korean scientists from Gachon University set out to find a link between penis length and the length of fingers. And they thought so. According to them, a small difference in length between the index finger and the ring finger indicates a relatively long penis. They arrived at their findings by examining 144 men who had undergone urologic surgery. While the patients lay unconscious on the operating table, the researchers mapped their finger lengths and penis length. The average difference between index finger and ring finger length was found to be 0.97 centimeters. But the smaller this difference, the greater the length of the penis.
Typically masculine traits
Someone who has already done dozens of studies on finger length is Professor John Manning. He even wrote an entire book there, The Finger Book, about. According to him, all research results point in the same direction: people with relatively long ring fingers, both men and women, have more typically masculine characteristics. They have stronger muscles and are more successful on the sports field. They are also more aggressive and less emphatic in behavior.