October 18, 2016.
The site for making medical appointments online in France, Mondocteur, questioned more than 4,200 French people via social networks, to find out what they thought of their doctor. And the results are quite interesting.
The French seem rather satisfied with their doctors
Finding a general practitioner near you is still fairly easy. This is in any case what emerges from a survey conducted by the site My doctor on Facebook. 83% of people who answered the questionnaire easily find a general practitioner near their home, 73% have no problem finding a dentist. On the other hand, finding an ophthalmologist or a gynecologist is more complicated: 4 out of 10 French people encounter difficulties.
However, it is not always easy to get an appointment. In particular, to have a dentist appointment, 41% of patients say they have to wait between 5 and 15 days. ” The prize goes to ophthalmologists with a delay of more than three months for 40% of those questioned ”, Note the authors of the study. For the gynecologist, count from 1 to 3 months.
Doctors lack the means
” Fortunately, the consultation itself is unanimous They add. 90% of French people appreciate the way their exam is carried out with a general practitioner, 88% at a dentist, 65% at an ophthalmologist and 90% at their gynecologist.
What also emerges from this survey, it is the lack of means of the doctors. At the question “ Do you think that doctors have enough tools or services to help them in their day-to-day management (making appointments, follow-up, administration, etc.)? “, 73% of women and 75% of men questioned answered” no “.
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