What are the different housing solutions for seniors?
The first question to ask concerns the state of health and the level of dependency of the elderly. Indeed, as the site indicates www.logement-seniors.com, the greater the dependence, the more a medical establishment is required (EHPAD, EHPAD Alzheimer, USLD). Conversely, the more independent you are, the more you have the choice between home care or non-medical residences with independent accommodation as well as senior residences. Here is an overview of the most common types of accommodation for seniors:
• Senior residences: these are private residences (senior service residences), associations or public (residential homes) which are intended for independent seniors. They have independent apartments ranging from studios to T3 and offer a range of services to facilitate the daily life of their residents (restaurant, game room, gym, concierge, activities, etc.).
• Roommate: widely used abroad, it now arrives in France. It can be a shared apartment between seniors or intergenerational, that is to say between a senior and a student. This type of housing makes it possible to combine social ties and savings!
• Home support: it is often accompanied by home services that help seniors to perform tasks that they can no longer or no longer want to do themselves.
• Family accommodation: this is the accommodation of one or more elderly people by a family. Family carers must imperatively be approved by the General Council of their department in order to exercise this activity. It is an alternative housing solution that can offer a friendly and intergenerational environment to our seniors.
• Retirement homes or EHPAD: these are structures adapted to dependent elderly people. These establishments are medical and may have units specializing in the reception of certain pathologies such as Alzheimer’s disease for example.
What assistance should be requested?
There are different categories of aid, the 2 main ones are:
• Housing assistance for seniors: these are intended to reduce the amount of the rental charge for the type of accommodation chosen. Among them are: the APL, the ALF and the ALS allocated by the CAF or the MSA and the social assistance allocated, after study, by the General Council if the establishment is authorized to do so.
• Personalized Autonomy Assistance (APA): intended for people over the age of 60, it provides support for essential daily activities. It is managed by the General Council of your home.