Do you want to buy such a cool Tesla cyber truck? Unfortunately, you will have to wait longer.
Opinions are divided. Some people think the Tesla Cybertruck is super cool. Other people think it’s a monstrosity. The fact is, we’ve all been talking about it since Tesla CEO Elon Musk presented the device. If you have deep pockets and want to buy one, you will have to wait a little longer.
Buy Tesla Cybertruck
Oops, Tesla itself says on its website that deliveries of the vehicle will only start next year. Musk has long claimed that the deliveries would take place as early as this year. So they have to come back to this, which will be a disappointment for many people.
There will be three variants and they are all planned for production next year. Here came Electrek behind: “You can complete your configuration as production approaches, in 2022,” the site now reads. This was first only on the American website, but has now also been translated to the Dutch website.
There were already rumors
There were already rumors that Tesla would not save production this year. When the company’s quarterly figures were discussed a few weeks ago, it turned out that the Cybertruck was in the alpha phase. This while the beta should follow later this year. This was the first indication that a delay was imminent.
It is also not easy to make such a car. Musk said: “It’s easy to prototype, but anything you make at high volume goes as fast as the slowest link in the chain. For example, if you have ten thousand parts and processes, you can have 9999 of them in-house. But if you miss one, you’re stuck. This quarter, for example, we missed the module that controls airbags and seat belts. And you can’t make a car without that module.” Add to this the fact that there is still a chip shortage worldwide, then it is logical that there may be some delay.