After months of strike without being heard, caregivers from the Toulouse University Hospital have decided to strike hard by posting on social networks and YouTube a video in which they cover “Basic” by rapper Orelsan. Objective: to denounce their working conditions and express their fed up.
The method is simple, “basic”. But it has the merit of functioning. Monday, June 11, members of the nursing staff of the Toulouse University Hospital shared on social networks and on YouTube a video which describes their discomfort and the crisis which is currently shaking the hospital sector. Gathered in front of the Purpan hospital on the tracks of the Toulouse tramway, the nursing staff of the CHU take up in a parody “Basic”, the tube of the rapper Orelsan.
“Caring is a vocation but that does not mean that we will not lose patience. The job of 4 is 2, you do not become Shiva even if you are in a trance (…) No one wants to have to die for reasons of money (…) If it was your mother I was taking care of, I don’t think you would tell me to save (…) that no one comes to tell me that I do not know about me organize when oneself one does not know how to manage (…) ailments, euros, sleep, it is a system which crumbles because of the morons from above that one still dares to call elites “, sings Jérémie, liberal nurse who agreed to participate in the video at the request of her nurse friends at the post-emergency-trauma service in Purpan.
Ill-being, overwork, lack of personnel and financial means, support and treatment of failing patients … In 3 minutes, the essential is said, and spares neither the management of the hospital, nor the government who are , according to caregivers, deaf to their suffering and their demands.
A video seen 3 million times and dubbed by Orelsan
“It’s been months that services have been on strike and we have not been heard. Nobody cares. So we decided to use another form of expression that does not lead to pathos and that is positive “, explains to La Dépêche du Midi Julien Terrié, general secretary of the CGT at the Toulouse University Hospital, union who posted the video on their Facebook page.
“The idea on Orelsan’s rap style was to remind our management of our profession as caregivers and our values,” continues Julien Terrié. Simple and basic “.
Helped by Jérémie, who sings in the video, the caregivers wrote the lyrics together and filmed the video on May 28 in the premises of the CHU before posting it earlier this week.
Success is immediately apparent. In the space of 24 hours, the video has already accumulated thousands of views. At the time of writing, it has been shared more than 160,000 times and been viewed by 3.7 million Internet users on Facebook. Contacted by the strikers to obtain broadcasting rights, Orelsan himself would have appreciated their approach.
A generalized crisis
Today, CHU caregivers hope that their video will not remain an epiphenomenon on social networks and hope for concrete measures from management. “After the victory of the mobilization of the psychiatric hospital of Rouvray, the time has now come for the mobilization of all health against the government measures applied by hospital, regional, clinics and nursing homes”, writes on YouTube the CGT of the Toulouse University Hospital.
For several months now, the situation of hospitals has been worrying and mobilizations have been numerous across France. At the Rouvray Psychiatric Hospital in Seine-Maritime, eight employees went on hunger strike for 18 days to demand better resources. The management finally announced the creation of thirty special unit positions for adolescents and patients. But one end of mobilization leads to another. In Vierzon in the Cher, the inter-union hospital filed Monday an indefinite strike notice. The national coordination for the defense of local hospitals and maternity units is organizing a rally on June 16 in Paris.