June 21, 2016.
According to a study conducted by a team of researchers from Boston University in the United States, regularly drinking cranberry juice would reduce the risk of urinary tract infections.
Cranberry juice, a natural antibiotic
People suffering from repeated urinary tract infections will be happy to learn that there is a natural remedy: cranberry (or cranberry in French). According to a study published in the journal The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and partly funded, it must be said, by Ocean Spray, a world leader in cranberry juice, this fruit juice would help prevent bacterial infections, especially urinary tract infections.
To reach these conclusions, the Boston researchers followed 373 women for 24 weeks in 18 clinics in the United States and France. These women had all suffered from cystitis the previous year. Those who drank cranberry juice during the experiment saw their UTI recurrence rate drop significantly : 39 infections against 67 for those who had not taken.
240 ml of cranberry juice per day
According to researchers, this fruit juice is particularly effective because it has compounds like proanthocyanidins that prevent bacteria from attaching to the urinary walls and therefore causing infection. An effective remedy that should be consumed in prevention. ” Most people wait for infection to drink cranberry juice. », Specifies Dr Kalpana Gupta, one of the authors of the study. “ But once the symptoms have set in, a course of antibiotics is the only way to treat cystitis.. “
According to the researchers, drinking 240 ml of cranberry juice per day would reduce the risk of recurrence by 40% in women affected by recurrent urinary tract infections and would reduce the consumption of antibiotics.