Ideal for fighting against stress (especially during exams), but also against hypertension, heart problems, depression or even constipation, definitely, a good laugh, it can’t hurt ! Except when the fun session in question gets out of hand …
In Bolivia, a 6 year old girl was subject to impressive “laughter fits” that could happen anytime and anywhere. Considered “mad” or even “possessed by the demon” (!) By her neighbors and relatives, the doctors then thought that her symptoms were caused by an extremely rare mental illness.
But it is not: finally examined by the Mexican doctor Liders Burgos using brain imaging techniques, the girl was found to have a hamartoma in the brain. Don’t panic: this tissue malformation (which is most often found in children) is fortunately benign, although it looks like a cancerous brain tumor.
Happy end
The researchers found that it put pressure on his temporal lobe, a region of the brain located just behind the temples and very involved in language, hearing, but also the expression of emotions in humans, causing crazy laughs as impressive as they are unpredictable.
All’s well that ends well: the little girl was able to be operated on, does not have any consequences from the operation and today bursts out laughing only when she wishes … For her part, Dr. Liders Burgos (who wrote a report on this exceptional case in the online medical journal hopes that this (beautiful) story will encourage parents to seek professional advice if their children have symptoms, however strange they may be.
Are you prone to giggles? How do you manage to calm down? We talk on the forum !