People who live with a cat enjoy better psychological health than those who don’t, according to the book All about cat psychology by Joel Dehasse. It would even be enough to observe, caress, or talk to your favorite pet to immediately cause a drop in your blood pressure. The purring of the cat would also cure stress, insomnia or anxiety. A Briton was able to discover the therapeutic benefits of her cat, because it seems to have played a key role in the discovery of her cancer.
The “Hero Cat” Award
Angela Tinning, a 40-year-old from Newcastle (UK), has indeed told her story at the Metro website. According to her, when he was not used to it, his cat Missy started lying on his chest and behaving strangely. She notices that she has chest pain and decides to go see a doctor. She then discovers that precancerous cells are present in her body. Professionals take it away. She returns to her ordinary life.
But two later, Missy changes her behavior again. “My cat is not affectionate and rather fiery so she had a rather strange behavior. She was lying on my chest and touching the same area as before”, she explains to Metro. While she feels no pain this time, she consults again. Doctors found her to have breast cancer. She has surgery and undergoes a mastectomy. “If I had waited, I probably would have had a tumor that I could have felt myself and which would have been much larger”she believes.
“I had heard that dogs had an instinct that allowed them to recognize when their owner was weak, but I had never heard of cats”, adds Angela. The Briton has decided to register her companion for the National Cat Awards, for the “hero cat” prize.
Read also :
- Cute cats to fight cancer
- Cat videos, good for morale… less for productivity