It seems it is the diet of France this weekend, but be careful if these two drugs are effective, they remain potentially dangerous products, in particular aspirin.
Aspirin is arguably the greatest drug discovery of the 19th century and, in over a hundred years, the wonder has continued to grow. But, aspirin, not to mention the holes it can make in the stomach, in high doses, is an extremely dangerous drug, well known to the intensive care unit. Not a month without the arrival in the emergency room of parents too well intentioned who, to bring down a fever which is too high, by making a mistake with the drugs intended for adults, administer a toxic dose. The consequences are then often dramatic.
Faced with these toxicity problems, medical research has offered itself a solution with the discovery of paracetamol which has almost the same advantages as aspirin on pain and fever. Medicine therefore has an apparently less dangerous drug, except that liver specialists quickly realized that beyond a certain daily dose, the damage to this organ becomes irreparable. It is, in fact, absolutely imperative to never exceed 4 grams for adults per day and 60 mg per kilo per day for children. It is therefore useful to remember that a drug is not taken by considering only the form, that is to say the number of tablets, but by adding the actual doses administered. This will avoid the consequences of an often harmless gesture because the relief provided by these exceptional products is indisputable, which explains their tremendous success … which will certainly not be denied this morning if the head hurts a bit. Forgetting to add a lot, a lot of water, because what is commonly called a hangover is in fact often a big dehydration due to the side effects of alcohol.