More bad news for smokers. In addition to promoting wrinkles, tobacco would also cause a form ofacne more severe and more scarring than in non-smokers. In any case, this is what a new scientific study presented at the annual conference of the British Association of Dermatologists in Manchester (United Kingdom) reveals.
The study involved 992 patients withacne severe and followed in a dermatology department for eight years. Acne-related scars were present in 91% of the participants. After questioning the patients’ smoker or non-smoker status, scientists were able to observe the influence of tobacco on acne. In total, 53.7% of smokers had moderate to severe scars compared to only 35% of non-smokers.
“The observed correlation between smoking and the extent of facial scarring may suggest that smoking increases the severity of scars in people prone to acne,” assumes Dr. Raman Bhutani, co-author of the study cited by the Daily Mail.
“Acne affects a large proportion of the population, with 80% of adolescents affected at some point,” explains Nina Goad, member of the British association of dermatologists. “While for most people this disorder passes over time, some people end up with scars for life. These consequences can be difficult to deal with and lead to a lack of confidence and self-esteem in those affected. We already know that tobacco is bad for you, but maybe this latest study will give people yet another reason to quit. “
While their data needs to be further investigated, the authors still hope their study will influence acne-prone teens, who have a vested interest in staying away from cigarettes.
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