Throughout November, the Movember association mobilizes to improve the health of men, whose life expectancy is still six years shorter than that of women.
Grow a mustache all November to raise awareness of men’s health issues. It’s a very nice idea international NGO Movember, which has been fighting to improve the well-being of men since 2003. “When men suddenly let their mustaches grow, it inevitably calls out, and often it starts the discussion”, explains Alienor Descours de Guernon, head of the Movember Foundation France. “From there, it is possible to collect donations to finance research”.
Testicular cancer, prostate cancer and suicide
Movember essentially mobilizes on three male health problems: testicular cancer, prostate cancer and suicide. It is little known but in Europe, three out of four suicides are committed by men, which leads to a disappearance every minute. In addition, one in seven men will one day face prostate cancer. As for testicular cancer, which can affect very young patients, its incidence has been increasing for decades, particularly in developed countries (+2.5% per year in France between 1980 and 2005). It is now the most common cancer in men aged 15 to 44.
Beyond financial donations to research, the association also does prevention and organizes psychological support for patients. “Men speak less than women when they encounter health problems,” continues Alienor Descours de Guernon. “They also consult much less quickly when something is wrong, a phenomenon amplified by the always shameful and taboo dimension of testicular and prostate cancer. Less informed than women about breast cancer, for example, many do not don’t even have the idea of simply feeling their testicles to check that everything is fine”, she analyzes.
Encourage men to communicate better
However, the earlier the cancers are detected, the greater the chances of recovering without sequelae. Monitoring of the testicles must be constant, and from the age of 45, men must discuss problems related to their prostate with their doctor (especially those who are not Caucasian or who have already had cases of cancer in their family). Faced with suicidal thoughts, talking about your problems is the first key step in getting out of a depressive state, which, in most cases, is only temporary and perfectly treatable. “This is one of the main priorities of Movember: to encourage men to communicate better, to open up. Those who encounter health problems can simply start by talking to other patients, via our forum”, insists Alienor Descours de Guernon.
As medicine advances every year, men continue to die an average of 6 years younger than women. To participate in the seventh edition of “à vos moustaches”, men, supported by the women of their entourage, can register on the site and form their team with their colleagues, teammates, friends, neighbors or family. Throughout the month of November, anyone who wants to get involved can also take up a MOVE challenge by browsing 60km in the month (for the 60 Europeans who commit suicide every hour), organize or attend a Movember event or simply make a donation.