The tiger mosquito, a fearsome little critter with white stripes, is slowly moving along the roads of France. Carrier of tropical diseases such as dengue and chikungunya (not fatal but very painful), this species, named Aedes albopictus, is from Southeast Asia. Accustomed to cities and the presence of men, he travels via the road network and the transport of goods.
Since 2004, the tiger mosquito has been wandering around France. In July 2012, he arrived at the gates of Paris. Today, it is established in 17 departments, mainly in the South of France. “We know that it is progressing and that it will continue to progress, it moves in small foci”, declared entomologist Jean-Baptise Ferré, during the presentation of the prevention plan against the tiger mosquito in Languedoc-Roussillon. , April 16.
Indeed, the season of activity of these biting insects is approaching. They are in top form from May to October.
So, what to do to protect yourself ? The authorities invite the population to simple gestures, likely to reduce the risk of the presence of the mosquito by 80%. Some examples: get rid of stagnant water, clean gutters and maintain your garden to reduce the number of resting places and possible spawning grounds such as old tires or damp corners. And, of course, use mosquito repellent!
>> To read also: Summer: which mosquito bites you?
Why am I still attracting mosquitoes?
Tropical diseases: how to prevent them