Less than half of us know that women have a vagina, an anus and a urethra.
According to a new investigation british on female anatomy, less than half of us know how much women have “holes” in their private parts.
Great confusion between urethra and clitoris
Men and women participated in the survey. Conclusion: only 46% of participants correctly identified that women have a vagina, an anus and a urethra (therefore three “holes”). The most frequently mentioned “holes” are the vagina (67%), followed by the anus (55%) and the urethra (35%).
Only 9% of respondents were also able to correctly identify all the organs that make up the private parts of women. The best known organs were the vagina (71%), the anus (67%) and the labia (49%). The greatest confusion occurred between the urethra and the clitoris. Of the 73% who identified the clitoris, 63% named it correctly, while 9% mistook it for the urethra. Of the 51% who identified the urethra, 51% correctly named it, and the remaining 49% labeled it as the clitoris.
These figures are similar to those of another poll, carried out last March. In France, more than 1 woman out of 3 has never observed her intimacy. 35% of respondents said they had never seen their clitoris, and another third only once or twice. The reasons for this taboo? “This is not beautiful”, “I didn’t feel the need to watch it,” or “I did not dare”, explain the women in the survey. On the other hand, 4 out of 5 women know how to locate their clitoris. 53% of them declare having discovered it anatomically, and 43% have identified it as an object of pleasure.
A lack of teaching of female anatomy
Concerning masturbation, 24% of respondents admit that their first experience took place only around 18 years and over. They are today 45% to have experienced their first masturbation between 13 and 14 years old, 17% between 15 and 16 years old, and 14% between 16 and 17 years old.
For the pollsters, these figures are explained by a lack of teaching of female anatomy. “The representation that we have of the female sex is mainly through porn”, recalls Kamal Yahiaoui, President of Terpan Prevention. “A kind of clitoral obscurantism still reigns today. While the male body and its anatomy benefit from an assumed exposure over time, the female body and its intimacy remain hidden”,concludes Kamal Yahiaoui.