In the United States, women’s rights are being unraveled, without hampering institutions. The best example is the Hobby lobby, an art supply chain, and Conestoga Wood Specialties, which makes wood furniture. These two family businesses, known for their overtly Christian convictions, refused to take out health insurance covering contraception (two types of morning after pill and two models of IUD) of its employees as it contravened their religious positions and amounted to abortion.
To better understand it you should know that in the United States, the employer is required to cover the contraceptive costs of employees under the Obamacare (or Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act). In this standoff between religious freedom and the right to contraception, the Supreme Court had the last word. The conservative majority of the American institution felt that Obamacare violated religious freedoms, giving reason to family businesses.
Needless to say, this judgment outraged progressive and feminist associations and much of American opinion. Some researchers, interviewed in the American press, are worried that this decision, which concerns only two companies, gives ideas to other companies and that this does not restrict access to contraceptive methods.
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