Is the pill reliable?
All pills combined have excellent efficiency … provided you do not forget them! The effectiveness of progestin-only pills is a little less good, especially because you have to take your tablet at the same time each day. Not always easy!
What’s in a pill?
Combination or estrogen-progestogen pills contain estrogen and progestin, hormones similar to those naturally secreted by the ovary. Mini-dose estrogen-progestogen pills (the amount of estrogen is less than 0.040 mg per tablet) are prescribed the most because they are well tolerated. Micro-progestin pills or micropills, they contain only a progestogen. They are effective but on condition that you avoid forgetting and take the tablets at a fixed time. They are mainly used when estrogen-progestin pills are contraindicated.
Does the pill decrease fertility?
The pill does not intervene on fertility. If a woman was fertile before, she will still be fertile after stopping the pill.
Is a drop in libido possible?
Women report decreased libido and a drop in testosterone has been cited to explain it. But studies on the subject are unconvincing. Doctors believe that when there is a decrease in desire, its origin is essentially psychological. It may be a more or less unconscious rejection of the pill for different reasons (weariness, fear of long-term effects, ambiguous desire for a child, etc.).
Can it cause unwanted effects?
Nausea, headache, a small change in weight, a feeling of heavy legs, tensions in the breasts, small problems of acne or greasy hairmay appear during the first few months. These side effects are often not very troublesome. However, they can consider a change of pill.
Are the pill and tobacco really incompatible?
In women predisposed for genetic or family reasons, the hormones in the pill can increase the level of fat (cholesterol, triglycerides) and sugar in the blood or reveal bleeding disorders. Which promotes cardiovascular accidents. Gold, the tobaccoincreases this risk. “Before age 35, you can combine the pill and tobacco provided you have eliminated a contraindication or a particular problem,” says the French Association for Contraception (AFC) on its website ( After 35, on the other hand, smoking clearly prevents taking the pill. Regular blood tests to monitor fat and sugar levels are essential.
Is bleeding between periods a sign of ineffectiveness?
Not at all. These small bleeds called spotting are not uncommon among young girlsat first but usually go away within 2 or 3 months. If this is not the case, or if the bleeding occurs after taking the pill for several years, talk to your doctor or gynecologist. The hormonal balance in your pill may or may not be right for you. We must therefore change.
Does the pill act on period pain?
The pill often allows you to forget painful periodsand this is not the only beneficial effect. The pill reduces the volume of periods, regularizes them, improves premenstrual syndrome, decrease the ectopic pregnancies (which begin in the proboscis), the frequency ofendometriosis (uterine lining that deposits elsewhere and hurts), uterine fibroids, reduces pelvic infections and often improves small skin problems (acne, seborrhea, body hair). It would also have an interesting action on the bone.
What to do in case of vomiting or diarrhea?
If vomiting or severe diarrhea occurs within 4 hours of taking your pill, take another pill that you may want to take from a relief pack. As a precaution, use local contraception until the end of your pack.
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