During 2014, the Order of Physicians identified 22,568 doctors holding a European or extra-European diploma, an increase of 60.2% over the period 2007-2014.
It is customary to say that a good number of hospital services “run” thanks to interns and doctors with foreign diplomas. The 2014 report of the Order of Physicians entitled “Migration flows and the trajectories of physicians” confirms this impression.
During 2014, the Order’s table identified 22,568 doctors holding a European or extra-European diploma, an increase of 60.2% over the period 2007-2014.
“An increase which has a high probability of being confirmed by 2020, reaching more than 30,000 doctors with a diploma obtained outside France”, specifies the National Council of the Order of Doctors (CNOM). The very selective system of French-style medical studies, which begins in the first year of medical school, seems to increasingly discourage young people from studying medicine in France.
France: 8.2% of doctors graduated abroad
European and non-European graduates represent 8.2% of all doctors registered on the roll of the Order.
And many of these students who go abroad to study medicine even choose to leave the European continent since doctors with non-European diplomas now represent 54.5% of the workforce.
This figure is declining, however, since in 2007, they represented 61% of doctors with a diploma outside France. By 2020, the CNOM notes a high probability of an equitable representation of European and extra-European diplomas registered on the roll of the Order.
Belgian and Romanian diplomas
In detail, regarding European graduates, 40.9% obtained their diploma in Romania. Between 2007 and 2014, the number of doctors with a degree from Romania who practice in France thus increased by 520%. Doctors holding a Belgian diploma occupy second place with 19% of the number of European diplomas registered on the roll of the Order. Their workforce increased by 16%.
In addition, concerning non-European diplomas 39.7% obtained their diploma in Algeria (+ 36% between 2007 and 2014). In this ranking, doctors holding a diploma from Syria occupy second place with 10.6% of the number of non-European diplomas registered on the roll of the Order.
Source: CNOM
29% of doctors with a foreign diploma work in Ile-de-France
In addition, the CNOM has calculated that France has, by region, on average, 834 doctors with European and extra-European diplomas. The Île-de-France region polarizes 29% of these doctors. The Rhône-Alpes region is the second most attractive region and PACA occupies third place.
On the other hand, Corsica has the fewest doctors with a European or extra-European diploma registered in the table of the two departments.
With 162 doctors with European and extra-European diplomas, Limousin ranks second among the least attractive regions. Franche-Comté, for its part, ranks third.
With 858 doctors with European and extra-European diplomas, the Center region is slightly above the national average.
Doctors who practice mainly in hospitals
Finally, the majority of doctors with a European or extra-European diploma (62.4%) practice salaried medicine (hospital) rather than freelance (25%). By way of comparison, 45.6% of doctors with French diplomas practice a liberal exercise and 43.6% a salaried exercise.
Concerning the proportion of doctors in mixed activity, it is clearly higher among doctors holding a non-European diploma (12.6) compared to their European counterparts.
And depending on the European country of graduation, the modes of practice vary. Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, the Netherlands and Slovenia have the particularity of training doctors who work mostly in the liberal sector. Only doctors with a diploma from Finland practice equitably in the liberal and salaried sector
Whatever the country of obtaining the extra-European diploma, these doctors practice preferentially in the salaried sector, concludes the report.