An Ifop poll, made for the Consolab site, reveals a rate of 60% of transgression of this second confinement on the part of the French. That is to say twice as much as during the first confinement! The explanation? We are learning to live with the virus and be less afraid of it. What is more, analyzes Ifop, teleworking is seen as an option (and not an obligation): 14% of French people surveyed still go to their office when 40% alternate between face-to-face and remote … But above all, the French tire and reveal during this survey a great drop in morale.
Disturbed sleep, depression, despair …
The investigation, which gathered the testimony of 2,030 people, highlights a lot of anxiety, depression, even suicidal thoughts. Health measures have an important impact on well-being. In November 2019, 16% of French people had seen their morale drop, at the dawn of the second confinement, they were 28%. This general observation testifies to a certain psychological wear and tear, which is then detailed.
Sleep is impacted for 38% of respondents. The anxious are also more numerous, 27% against 20% during the first confinement. 12% say they are affected by depression. The psychological damage would also be more intense on the side of women than men. 60% of them say they feel sadness. A large part of the French even feel despair: 36%.
An increasingly isolated population
The Ifop survey also explains that the French suffer from growing isolation. Because the period between the two confinements, still marked by the presence of the virus, did not make it possible to find social ties for many people. More than a quarter of French people testify not to have received any visit to their home during the months of August, September and October.
In addition, 41% of French people are confined without an “emotional or sexual partner”. The lack of bond, sociability, tenderness and affection is a powerful engine of transgression of confinement. 69% of men admit to having gone out to find a sexual partner.
It is no longer just a question of saying to the French: hold on for a few isolated times. Due to its repetition this year and psychological fatigue, this speech no longer seems to be enough. The director of the political and current affairs pole of the polling institute, François Kraus, also recognizes that “the scarcity of social relations poses a real public health problem, in particular for the French (4 French out of 10) who will face this second confinement alone“.
Read also:
- Containment: 9 anti-stress tips
- Containment and sleep: 15 tips against insomnia
- Anxiety, depression: the advice of Dr Antoine Pelissolo, psychiatrist