We must reform city medicine to relieve emergency services. The Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn believes that a “majority of people should not be” in the emergency room.
Strasbourg, Lyon or Bourges, several emergency services have been on strike in recent weeks throughout France. In some cases, the strike is still going on. All denounce the lack of resources and too bad working conditions.
Guest on Sunday of the program Political Questions on France Inter / France Info / Le Monde, the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn spoke on the subject. She said: “There is a clear problem with emergencies. (…) They are totally congested because the majority of people who show up should not be there. According to her, it is necessary to reform city medicine to deal with the overcrowding of emergency services.
A report on unscheduled care
It is “imperative to organize city medicine so that it can take care of a large number of requests from patients who have nothing to do in the emergency room”, underlined the Minister of Health.
A report is being produced by the deputy (LREM), also emergency physician, Thomas Mesnier on “unscheduled care”. It should make it possible to limit the use of emergency services.
The epidemics involved
We must, again according to the minister, work on the flexibility of emergencies. That is, increasing the ability to open beds when there is an epidemic. For Agnès Buzyn, the flu epidemic this year explains “in large part the overcrowding of emergencies”. “We cannot be moved every year by the overcrowding of emergencies in the months of December-January-February and then not be vaccinated against the flu,” she stressed.
Since January 10, the Samu-Urgences association of France launched the “no bed challenge”. Each day, the site records the number of patients who stayed overnight on stretchers due to lack of space, in order to make decision-makers aware of the overcrowding of emergency services. Since the launch, more than 20,000 patients who have spent a night on a stretcher have been identified.
? Listen to the program again: “We must reorganize the health system so that it is more suited to current challenges” @agnesbuzyn #PolQuestions
???? On @France Inter : https://t.co/Si34ljg8U5 pic.twitter.com/bmZefom0b7– MinSolidaritésSanté (@MinSoliSante) March 26, 2018