One in three people suffer from it at least once in their life. Only newborns and very old people are almost never affected. But, if you are young, fat, or a woman… The risk is great.
motion sickness comes from the inner ear where small limestone crystals analyze the balance of our body in three dimensions. The loss of horizon or sudden changes in direction disturb these measurements. These are erroneous information that then reach the brain, which panics.
Children are the first victims becausethey are often made to travel “blind” and in the past in conditions of heat, space and tobacco smoke that are difficult to bear. The cars have improved considerably, especially with ventilation and the space available in the back… And then the parents theoretically quit smoking… However, screens and game consoles have reduced the risk of Be sick. Just like for adults traveling in the back or no longer seeing the horizon, while reading for example.
Prevent motion sickness
You have to eat before the trip so as not to have an empty stomach. But reasonably nonetheless. Then, don’t wait too late to offer a break and a little air. By lying down, we minimize the movements that will trigger motion sickness. And drink, sweet, from time to time during the journey. Finally, try to control your breathing by inhaling and exhaling deeply.
There really isn’t a miracle drug… There was once a product that was quite effective, but whose side effects ruled out survival. Homeopathy is said to be effective. In this field, on the other hand, there is no risk in trying, and if it works, it is all profit…
It’s not just in the head
The symptoms are so unpleasant that the drop in morale makes them even more unbearable. But the proof that the shrink is not the main explanation, the man is not the only one to suffer from motion sickness. Cat, dog, horse, cow, but also, which is more comical, the fish, which, in an aquarium, on a boat, suffers from seasickness.
The transport hit parade
The best is the train, with less than 1% of patients. The car is 3 to 5% sick against 5 to 10% for the plane, 25 to 30 for the boat, and the peak of discomfort, more than 50% of nausea in Soyuz or the American shuttle. Which, at 60 million dollars a ticket sold by the Russians to a few billionaires, is nauseating.