The National Assembly voted on Friday a new measure to “act directly on the prices charged by opticians.” The government has planned to extend to beneficiaries the payment assistance for complementary health insurance (ACS), of which the resources are below the poverty line, the optical tariff framework mechanism, currently reserved for beneficiaries of complementary universal health coverage (CMU).
Optics remains the most expensive healthcare item for patients. And according to the Minister of Health, Marisol Touraine, “17% of beneficiaries of complementary CMU benefit from good optical equipment, against 11% of beneficiaries of complementary health aid. »
Prices established by negotiation
Marisol Touraine confirmed “her desire to enable low-income people, especially the elderly, to benefit from better reimbursements for optical services and to think about specific measures for equipping children at a crucial age for learning to read. . »
According to AFP, a transaction between the National Health Insurance Fund, opticians and representatives of complementary health insurance (mutual funds, insurance companies, provident institutions) will have to set the maximum rates applicable for optical services delivered to the most vulnerable patients. modest. The insurers or mutuals will be selected on the basis of precise specifications defined by decree, with a call for competition.
To accompany these new measures, the deputies also voted for an amendment aimed at limiting the coverage of fee overruns performed by doctors. The amount of this ceiling will be determined by decree.
The Minister of Health, Marisol Touraine, declared that, “if this negotiation were not to succeed, the government would take its responsibilities”.
The Minister of Health wishes to leave room for consultation. The first amendment by Mr. Paul (PS) setting this ceiling at 100% has therefore been withdrawn.