According to a survey carried out for patient associations, the French trust general practitioners to obtain information and the internet to prepare for the consultation.
In terms of health information, polls follow and resemble each other. The 2013 barometer (1) on the rights of LH2-Collective interassociative health patients (Ciss) confirms that the attending physician is the primary vector of information. It is even a plebiscite for general practitioners, with a confidence rate of 94%. This is followed by specialists (91%), pharmacists (86%), complementary health insurance (72%) and relatives (families, friends, colleagues, 70%). Health agencies, health insurance or the Ministry of Health only arrive in 6e position.
If the Internet has established itself in the information landscape in a few years, the French remain cautious about its use. 74% of those questioned reject the idea of relying on the web to establish a diagnosis or to practice self-medication. Likewise, users have a critical eye on online consultations or electronic health records. Only 30% believe that these tools are secure when it comes to data protection. They only inspire confidence in 24% of French people.
On the other hand, more than one in two French people (53%) recognize that the Internet makes it possible to be “better informed to dialogue with the doctor during the consultation.
(1) Barometer carried out on March 22 and 23 with a representative sample of the French population of 1,003 people interviewed by telephone.