The flu epidemic, which has already affected a million French people, is not weakening. The Rhône-Alpes, PACA, Burgundy and Champagne-Ardenne regions remain the most affected.
Faced with the flu, France remains in the red over a large part of the territory! This is what the latest newsletter of theHealth watch institute (InVS) published on Wednesday which shows a stabilization in the number of consultations for influenza syndromes and emergency visits for influenza. A total of 940,000 people have seen a doctor for influenza-like illness.
Hope for an epidemic decline
In detail, for the week of February 17 to 23, 2014, the incidence rate of consultations for influenza-like illnesses is 438/100 000, a figure stable compared to the previous week. And faced with this epidemic, some regions obviously drink more than others. The Rhône-Alpes, PACA, Bourgogne and Champagne-Ardenne regions had the highest incidence rates, above 600/100 000. As a result, the flu is still epidemic in 17 French regions, but Aquitaine and the Ile -de-France (on vacation last week) are back below the epidemic threshold. For the Institute, “the school holidays which have just started in other regions could favor the decline of the epidemic. ”
The increase in the number of hospitalizations continues
In addition, for the last week, the Oscour network (which represents 67% of all emergency visits in mainland France) reported 1,664 passages for influenza, including 146 hospitalizations. The numbers of passages are stable compared to those of the previous week as the increase in the number of hospitalizations continues, even if it seems to be slowing down this week.
Children under 5 years of age accounted for about 30% of passages and hospitalizations for influenza, while people aged 65 and over represented 3% of passages and 15% of hospitalizations following emergency visits for influenza.
All of Europe affected
Finally, in this period of great departures on vacation, know that the flu affects the whole of Europe. And for those who have not yet chosen their destination, the newsletter ofEuropean Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), reveals that among the 29 reporting countries, Finland and Greece still recently reported high-intensity influenza activity.
Besides, 11 countries, including France, have an average activity and 16 a low activity. Bulgaria, Portugal and Spain appear to have passed the peak of their epidemic, with 18 countries reporting increased activity.