According to the weekly YouGov survey commissioned by HuffPost, the French are reviving the optimism they had lost a week after deconfinement. On the other hand, the future economic situation worries them. Explanations.
If the deconfinement can turn out for some more distressing than the confinement, the French seem to reconnect with optimism in this May end. For the fourth wave of YouGov’s exit from lockdown perception survey for The HuffPost, the results ensure that the concern of the Covid-19 is moving away while that of the economic crisis remains. They also note an improvement in the judgment of the government’s management of the crisis. This study is based on a sample of 1,024 people over the age of 18 according to the quota methodology between May 28 and 29.
Fear of Covid-19 recedes
The shadow of the second wave of contamination seems to be receding. They are 79% to consider that the French situation concerning the epidemic is improving. A figure in clear progression since they were 67% to think it during the first wave of the survey (7-11/05), 57% during the second (14-18/05) and 62% during the third ( May 21-22). A trend identical to that of the perception of the world situation in the face of Covid-19. They are 54% to estimate that the international situation improves during the fourth wave (28-29/05). An increasing estimate: 47% thought so during the first survey (7-11/05), 42% during the second (14-18/05) and 41% during the third (21-22/ 05).
Regarding the management of the crisis by the French government, opinion has changed since the last poll. In previous waves, they considered the action of the executive “good” or “fairly good” at 34% against 61% of unfavorable opinions. During the last survey (28-29/05) they are 42% to approve the management of the crisis against 51%. An effect may be instilled by the announcements of phase 2 of the deconfinement framing in particular the opening of cafes and restaurants.
The fear of an economic crisis continues
However, participants’ concerns have changed little during this fourth wave of the survey. They are more worried about seeing a loved one become seriously ill or die, rather than themselves. In terms of their economic situation: most of them do not think (27%) or do not know (27%) that they will lose their job. On the other hand, a majority anticipates a loss of purchasing power. They believe that their finances will be “severely” impacted: 22% of respondents say they are very worried and 37% quite worried. For the moment, they are 60% to declare no change for a month and 28% believe that their finances have deteriorated, in particular 41% of 35-44 year olds.
Overall, everyone is very pessimistic about the economic future. They are 78% to fear a recession of the French economy over the next 12 months, a very marked concern among retirees (85%), 51% to fear a global recession but 47% not to fear a bankruptcy of the banks (compared to 31% worried). On the other hand, the impact of the coronavirus on the local economy is of great concern to the panel surveyed. 87% of them say they are very worried (40%) or worried (47%). Stable figures since the last surveys.