June 28, 2017.
Whether they are in a relationship with a man, with a woman or single, all women should be able to have access to medically assisted procreation (ART or ART). In any case, this is what the National Ethics Committee (CCNE) has just declared.
Open assisted reproduction to all women
We had been waiting for this report from the National Ethics Committee for many months to find out whether homosexual or single women could one day have access to assisted reproduction. This notice appeared to be the last obstacle to a possible evolution of the law on the question. ” In this text, CCNE recommends that the WAP be opened to couples of women and single women. “, Said the rapporteur of the text, Frédéric Worms.
With this opinion, the CCNF therefore opens the way to an evolution of the law which currently reserves assisted reproduction for couples made up of a man and a woman, of childbearing age, and who suffer from medically established infertility or who are at risk. to transmit a serious illness to the child. But Emmanuel Macron and other presidential candidates had made opening of assisted reproduction for single women and female couples an important point of their program.
A new law in the coming weeks
” After four years of reflection and a commitment on the part of Emmanuel Macron, we consider that this opinion closes the reflection phase and that there is now a consensus and an expectation of society », Commented Claire Guiraud, Secretary General of the High Council for Equality between Women and Men (HCE), in an interview with our colleagues from The Express. Clearly, an evolution of the law should certainly follow.
Small flat, however, the CCNE considers that the opening of the assisted reproduction to all women does not “ could relate to the financial means of health insurance “. The Committee also opposed Surrogacy (Surrogacy) for heterosexual and homosexual couples and for the self-preservation of oocytes. Just a few days ago, the Academy of Medicine declared itself in favor of this last measure.
Read also: Everything you need to know before starting a pregnancy
Marine Rondot