Good news for parents who are sorry to see their little one still wet the bed at an old age.
We would have finally understood why our offspring would still wet the bed after 5 years. An American study has just shown that the problem is not located at the level of the bladder, but not very far from it anatomically. Indeed, constipation can be the cause of what doctors call bedwetting! And treating that constipation … would solve all the bedwetting.
This very serious study has just appeared in the journal Urology. 30 children aged 5 to 15, who were still wetting the bed, were watched from all angles. Doctors found that when laxatives were given to those diagnosed with constipation, the success rate was 83%; that is, of the 30 children with bedwetting, 25 were cured of their problem within 3 months.
It seems logical, it is a question of physics and one wonders why the doctors did not think of it sooner?
Logical and simple indeed! When the child is constipated, the rectum is full. Given the anatomical proximity of the various pipes, this rectum presses on the bladder, compresses it and its volume is therefore considerably reduced, and the need to urinate occurs very quickly, hence nocturnal incontinence … In fact, this cause bedwetting has been known for 25 years, but obviously it has not marked the spirits!
But it is not easy to know if a child is constipated or not!
It’s true and Americans are putting numbers on the definition of constipation in children: if they have a bowel movement every 3 days and if their stools are hard, sorry for the details but they are important , it is useless to launch out in investigations on the maturity of the urination reflex or the disorders of the psycho-affective relations … The drug is simple, it makes you go to the pot, not to empty the bladder … but for him leave more room!
Steve J. Hodges and his team from Wake Forest (United States).
Urology, January 27, 2012.