As expected, the group of experts charged by the Ministry of Health to investigate electronic cigarettes made their report to Minister Marisol Touraine on Tuesday, May 28. Used regularly by 1% of French people, this substitute is very successful. According to a University of East London survey, 9 in 10 smokers reduced their urge to smoke with this vapor cigarette and 3 in 4 smokers quit smoking real cigarettes for weeks or even months.
In the report, the experts decided to play the card of caution and advise a series of restrictions: the ban on sales to minors, the strengthening of the advertising ban, the sale only to approved establishments, the ban for use in public places, a limited nicotine content in the liquids used and the prohibition of use by pregnant and lactating women.
Divided opinions
Packaging with a health warning and information about the composition of e-cigarette liquids are also recommended in the report. Since no scientific study has been carried out for the moment, experts advise against prolonged use beyond six months.
Scientists are divided on the subject of electronic cigarettes. The report recalls that this tobacco substitute does not release carbon monoxide, solid particles, or large amounts of carcinogenic substances. The toxic effects being lower than those of tobacco smoke, the e-cigarette presents a real opportunity to get out of addiction. It remains to be seen what the opinion of the Ministry of Health will be after analyzing the report.