It is one of the flagship measures of the Health bill: the deletion of “numerus clausus“which fixes each year the number of places open in the second year of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and midwifery. The National Assembly (more precisely 89 deputies) has therefore just approved this abolition by 74 votes for, 4 against and 11 abstentions.
20% more future doctors
The end of the numerus clausus should allow “to increase the number of doctors trained by about 20%” while diversifying their profiles, according to the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn. From the start of the 2020 school year, the number of students should be set by the regional health agencies according to the needs of the territories. As for the tests which will replace the traditional end-of-first-year competition, they are currently being discussed between universities and student unions.
The relaxation of this selection test will perhaps provide an answer to the shortage of general practitioners In certain regions. But the effects will not be felt for ten years.
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