The Amerindians already used the cranberry, or cranberry, against pain, gastric concerns and … as ink for war paints! Very small and nevertheless very rich, this American berry has conquered the female public …
Cranberry protects the bladder from repeated infections
The cranberry is an ally of choice for all women prone to urinary tract infections : indeed, its antioxidants (it contains more than blueberries, yet champion in its category), particularly proanthocyanidins, have the power to strongly “coat” the mucous membranes, like an adhesive, thus preventing pathogenic bacteria from attaching themselves to them. It therefore also protects the teeth by reducing dental plaque and cavities, would strengthen the gastric mucosa (by avoiding ulcers) but it is especially on the bladder and urinary tract that it has shown its effectiveness. It is particularly recommended for young women who tend to suffer from cystitis repeat. A study carried out in the Netherlands compared the effect of cranberries with that of antibiotics in these chronic patients: while the latter were slightly more effective, they caused resistance in 90% of the germs (usually the E. Coli bacteria) … which obviously did not exist with the fruit, which is a major advantage when these infections tend to come back regularly! Another study has proven the value of these small berries to prevent recurrence, and many doctors recommend it (1 to 2 glasses per day of juice). It is moreover to this anticystitis power that she owes a large part of her success!
Antioxidants good for the arteries
However, it has other assets in its matrix: thus, thanks – always – to its antioxidants (mainly flavonoids) and its richness in vitamin C, the cranberry fights against free radicals which accelerate aging and in particular protect the system cardiovascular… A study published in the “American Journal of Nutrition” has shown that the consumption of its juice (for a month at a rate of 500 ml / day) reduced arterial stiffness in a panel of patients suffering from coronary pathology, and thus restored the arteries to a welcome flexibility. It is also highly recommended for athletes, thanks to its antioxidants, of course, but also because it compensates for losses of zinc and magnesium.
An anti-smoke weapon
It is less known, but cranberries are part of the ideal natural panoply against winter ailments! Indeed, it would protect rather well respiratory infections (its antibacterial properties have now been validated), but also certain viruses including that of flu, and others such as the SA-11 rotavirus (responsible for diarrhea). In short, so many reasons to learn about this pleasant American, still unknown to us not long ago, but who is slowly making his way!
Its health benefits
- It adheres to the mucous membranes and protects them, thus avoiding cavities, dental plaque and periodontitis, as well as gastric ulcer.
- It acts on the bladder and urinary mucous membranes and prevents recurrence of cystitis, at the same time avoiding resistance to antibiotics.
- It protects against aging, fights against free radicals, and softens the arteries.
- It keeps bacteria away but also some viruses, including those of winter (common cold, flu).
In what form to consume it?
- There are many juices (often diluted and presented as “cranberry drinks”), but you have to choose those without added sugar (often in organic stores). This is the easiest way to consume cranberries in large quantities.
- The lightbulbs are practical but the volume is limited. For example, they can be chosen as a “basic treatment” when there is a tendency for cystitis.
- Dried berries, easy to find, are tasty but we eat (normally) not enough! However, they brighten up the muesli by changing the raisins, and provide antioxidants that are always beneficial.
- Fresh berries or frozen foods are sometimes available in department stores, but they must be “stewed” with a little water and sugar. To be consumed with dairy products, but also with white meat or poultry (such as cranberries).
His nutri CV
- 46 Cal / 100 g (raw)
- Lipids 0.13 g
- Carbohydrates 7.6 g
- Protein 0.75 g
- Fibers 5.13 g
Read also:
Cranberries: the new longevity food?
Small berries, concentrated benefits
Nutrition: cranberries, delicious medicines!