We know it: there are an infinite number of shades between blue eyes, brown eyes and green eyes. According to a study recently published by King’s College London (in England) and the Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam (in the Netherlands), the color of our eyes is “coded” by (at least) 50 different genes.
To reach this conclusion, the British and Dutch researchers worked with a large group of 195,000 volunteers across Europe and Asia.
Blue, green or brown eyes: it has an impact on our health!
“This discovery is crucial because it allows us to better understand the origin of one of the most visible physical characteristics of the organism: throughout history, the color of the eyes has always been very important.” emphasizes Dr. Pirro Hysi, one of the co-authors of this study published in the specialized journal Science Advances.
In addition, the pigments that color the eyes (and, in particular: the iris) are involved in certain pathologies such as ocular albinism and pigmentary glaucoma – two diseases that this work will undoubtedly make it possible to better detect, in the future. .
The color of our eyes is not insignificant: several scientific studies have already pointed out a link between certain colors and certain pathologies. Thus, a study from the University of Vermont published in July 2015 claimed that people with blue eyes were more likely than others to develop an alcohol addiction. Conversely, people with dark eyes are naturally more anxious, according to a study by the University of Pittsburgh published in June 2014.
Read also :
- how to make up green eyes
- Are we more attracted to the color of our parents’ eyes?
- how to make up blue eyes